Ffoed negeseuau gwag y dydd

1,2,3,4;  1,5,6,7.
(Neb ond Iesu) / (Heb ymrwystro)
Ffoed negeseuau gwag y dydd,
  Trafferthion o bob rhyw;
Ac na pharhaed o dan y nef
  Ond cariad pur fy Nuw.

Perchnogodd Ef â'i ddwyfol ras
  Fy holl serchiadau'n un;
Na chaed o fewn i'm hysbryd fod
  Neb ond fy Iesu'i Hun.

Mae'r Iesu'n fwy na'r nef ei hun,
  Yn fwy na'r ddaear las;
Ac Iesu'n unig fydd fy oll
  Fyth, fyth o hyn i maes.

Cyflawnder nerth,
    cyflawnder gras,
  Cyflawnder nef y nef,
Uwch deall seraffim
    a saint,
  Sy'n trigo ynddo Ef.

Ni wnaed yr enaid hwn erioed
  I garu llwch y llawr,
Ond i gael meddu'r fraint a roed
  I gadw i f'Arglwydd mawr.

O cymer fy serchiadau'n glau,
  Fy Iesu, bob yr un;
A gwna hwy yn eisteddfa bur,
  Sancteiddiaf, it' Dy hun.

At wedd dy wyneb
    nid yw ddim,
  Trysorau maith y llawr,
Mae gair o'th enau'n llawer mwy
  Ei rym nag uffern fawr.

             - - - - -

Ffoed negeseuau gwag y dydd,
  Trafferthion o bob rhyw;
Ac na pharhaed o dan y nef
  Ond cariad pur fy Nuw.

Aed tegwch byd a'i
    gariad ffwrdd,
  A'i swynion aed yn ddim;
Ni welaf heddyw is y nef
  Ond cariad Iesu o rym.

Meddiannodd ef â'i ddwyfol ras
  Fy holl serchiadau'n un;
Na chaed o fewn i'm hysbryd fod
  Neb ond fy Iesu ei hun.

Iesu sy'n fwy na'r nef ei hun,
  Yn fwy na'r ddaear lâs;
Ac Iesu'n unig fydd fy oll
  Fyth, fyth o hyn i maes.

Cyflawnder nerth,
    cyflawnder gras,
  Cyflawnder nef y nef,
Uwch deal
    seraphim a saint,
  Sy'n trigo ynddo ef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Engedi (o Beethoven 1770-1827)
French (Salmydd Hart 1615)
  Glasynys (<1876))
Irish (Hymns and Sacred Poems 1749)
  Lattakoo (<1835)
St Agnes (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Tallis (Thomas Tallis ?1515-1585)
Winchester Old (o "Sallwyr" Este 1592)

  At wedd dy wyneb nid yw ddim
  Iesu sy'n fwy na'r nef ei hun
  O cymmer fy serchiadau'n glau
  O Iesu cymer dy allu mawr
  Pan byddo f'Arglwydd imi'n rhoi
  Yn nyfnder profedigaeth ddu

(No-one but Jesus)
Let the empty messages of the day flee,
  Troubles of every kind;
And let nothing endure under heaven
  But the pure love of my God.

To Him and his divine grace belonged
  All my affections as one;
Let there not be found being in my spirit
  Anything but my Jesus Himself.

Jesus is greater than heaven itself,
  And greater than the blue-green earth;
And Jesus alone will be my all
  Forever and ever from now on.

The fullness of strength,
    the fullness of grace,
  The fullness of the heaven of heaven,
Above the understanding
    of seraphim and saints,
  Is dwelling in Him.

May this soul never
  Love the dust of the ground,
But get to possess the privilege granted
  To keep to my great Lord.

O accept my affections quickly,
  My Jesus, every one;
And make them a holiest, pure
  Throne for Thee thyself.

To the likeness of thy countenance
    there is nothing,
  Extensive treasures of below,
A word from thy mouth is much greater
  In its force than great hell.

                - - - - -

Let the empty messages of the day flee,
  Troubles of every kind;
And may nothing endure under heaven
  But the pure love of my God.

May the world's fairness
    and its love go away,
  And its enchantment go to nothing;
I shall see today under heaven
  Nothing but Jesus of force.

He and his divine grace possessed
  All my affections as one;
May there be found within my spirit
  None but my Jesus himself.

Jesus is greater than heaven itself,
  Greater than the blue-green earth;
And Jesus alone shall by my all
  Forever, forever from now on.

The fullness of strength,
    the fullness of grace,
  The fullness of the heaven of heaven,
Above the understanding of
    seraphim and saints,
  Is dwelling in him.
tr. 2011,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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